Beauty On The Fly

I Am A Flight Attendant & That is My Superpower: Books To Make You Soar High

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Fab Over 40 Contest Vote Link Paula Erskine

Travelling to Enrich my Story Pool

In the words of Richard Bach, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” It is my life on both the Catwalk and the Runway that have created beautiful connections, memories and often friendships. Plus size model. Flight attendant. All the part-time jobs in-between! I consider myself lucky to be among a village of global hearted extended family members. None the lesser are the wonderful assortment of friendships that I have gained outside of flying. Experiences of time well spent will always be the real prize.

Segway to Authorship and Why Me?

As a flight attendant that has enjoyed experiences that have cultivated relationships worldwide, my story pool is so rich, it joined up with a collection of incredible stories from even more aircrew. I Am A Flight Attendant & That Is My Superpower is nothing but true stories! Unbelievable stories that will make your hair stand on end! I wrote in two books, volume 2 & 3, available right here. The book title says it all!

I Am A Flight Attendant & That Is My Superpower Book Series

I present to you three chapters uniquely my own weaving seemingly unrelated tales of tragedy and triumph and full color travel photos. This book series? Off the charts. Our intentions are not to be beige. We couldn’t be just “beige” if we tried. Neutralize, de-escalate, downright Matrix our way through uncharted territory. Prepare for everything, then use one’s wits and gut instinct to get one in and out of the good, the bad and the ugly. Mistakes? I’ve made a few. Biggest lessons everrrrrr, tho’.

Shop – Catwalk To Runway

I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony, as the famous song by The Hillside Singers goes. And that has been my mission since as long as I can remember. Flight attendants keep the peace on every flight, 365 people at a time, from takeoff to landing. Flight attendant stories can teach emotional intelligence from layers of scenario combinations, all at once, coming from all directions. And whatever platform presents itself before me, I will use it to express my ongoing journeys inside and out. My chapters are Catwalk To Runway and Life On a Higher Plane.

Kickstart the Desire to Ascend

Is the book series inspiring? You bet. Harrowing? OMG. Shocking? Whoa! Triumphant and victorious? Tell me about it! The resilience is palpable! Heartwarming and heart wrenching at the same time? Yes. A curiosity quencher? Is it ever! Peacekeeping mission? Inside and out. A wake-up call? Sound the alarm! A page turner? I’ll say! Will I gain superpowers? Well, it will definitely kickstart the desire to ascend. A teaching tool for wellness? Story telling always is. Especially, if it’s true. Reinstalling empathy chips into the human gene pool? We’ll all take an extra helping of that, please. Uplifting humanity’s consciousness to a higher plane? Don’t believe me, just watch! Showcasing the ties that bind humanity? Let’s put a spotlight on that. Inspiring and opening hearts? Ding! ding! ding! Winner!

If This Aircraft Fuselage Could Talk

Come fly with me, buy a book at the shop, invite me to speak at our club, class or organization, interview me or let’s do a Q & A session. I am currently recording and producing audio book projects and going with the creative flow. It’s a story…and I’d love for you to experience life through the eyes of a flight attendant that has not lost hope in humankind. Well, perhaps you will take action to read or hear about it, sometime soon. I’ll still be here, using my voice. We have the whole world in our hands. Let’s use it for good. Now what did those musketeers always use to say? Ah. “All for one, and one for all!”

Safe journeys to all: Onward and upward, and always through the power of positive collectivity.

Paula Erskine

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